SQLi-labs是个专门用来学习SQL注入的开源漏洞测试平台,基于php+mysql开发,所以里面涉及的SQL注入都是mysql语法。下载的地址是https://github.com/Audi-1/sqli-labs下载安装按照readme里面要求即可,这里不多废话。下面是每个题目的具体分析:1、error based string sqli首先是源码:$sql="SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 0,1";$result=mysql_qu...…
最近投了一堆安全的summer intern,结果不是被拒就是杳无音讯,一个oa或者是电面的机会都没有,自己也实在提不起兴趣找SDE的工作。然后回顾自己去年一年,在学校挣扎着完成课程和在实验室写写代码,安全方面似乎没有丝毫的进步。我发现自己总是在一件事情上不能坚持很长时间,还总是给自己找一堆事情来做,显得自己很牛逼,结果最后很多事情都做不好。想来想去,发现就是自己还是太浮躁了,口口声声说自己对什么什么感兴趣,结果都是嘴上吹牛逼说说几个名词。如果要让我不借助网络来解释某个东西的原理,用中文十...…
bug bounty note—-UBER
free uber:POST /api/dial/v2/requests HTTP/1.1 Host: dial.uber.com {“start_latitude”:12.925151699999999,”start_longitude”:77.6657536,“product_id”:”db6779d6-d8da-479f-8ac7-8068f4dade6f”,”payment_method_id”:”xyz”}change payment_method_idreference url...…
some useful Linux command
find . -iwholename '*make*' -not -name CMakeLists.txt -deletethis command is like the “cmake clean” but you should make sure there are no more other files contain make in their name.…
install eclipse on ubuntu 14.04
before install, you should update your JRE and JDK to 8:Final UpdateJDK<span class="pln">sudo apt</span><span class="pun">-</span><span class="pln">get install openjdk</span><span class="pun">-</span>...…
ROS study note
You can choose any editor you like to implement you ROS project. There are some official IDE configuration for ROS : http://wiki.ros.org/IDEsI prefer using VIM. There is an VIM plugin named rosvim we can use. To install it:(I use spf13-vim so it u...…
编译的时候: -g开始调试:gdb [-tui] test设置断点:(gdb) breakpoint test.c:123 or (gdb) b main运行程序(后面可以跟参数):(gdb) run [arg1 arg2]清除断点:(gdb) clear跟踪堆栈:(gdb) where打印参数:(gdb) print f.BlockType用16进制打印:(gdb) print/x f.BlockType单步调试(不进入函数内部):(gdb) next or (gdb) n单步调试(进...…
首先说下强弱类型,根据维基百科的定义: In computer programming, programming languages are often colloquially classified as strongly typed or weakly typed (loosely typed). These terms do not have a precise definition, but in general, a strongly typed language is mor...…
题目描述: Mommy, what is Use After Free bug? ssh [email protected] -p2222 (pw:guest)根据题目描述我们知道该题考察UAF(use after free)漏洞,关于UAF,简单说下就是内存地址在free后并没有被销毁,下次为相同的结构类型分配大小类似的空间时,之前的内存空间会被重新使用,如果第二次的指针能够被用户所控制,就造成了UAF漏洞。然后有些基础知识(转自:http://blog.csdn.net/qq_20307...…
题目描述: Daddy bought me a system command shell. but he put some filters to prevent me from playing with it without his permission… but I wanna play anytime I want! ssh [email protected] -p2222 (pw:flag of cmd1)这题ssh的登陆密码是cmd1的flag,登陆后查看cmd2.c的源代码:...…