CSCAMP 2014CTF|writeup web-7amama Book

We can see the description first:


7amamaBook is a social media website where people can sign up and share with each other. It has a bug bounty program and you found a bug and reported it but they refuse to pay you so you want to give them a payback by hacking it.

Then I open the webpage(, I find the web manager post something like this:

We don’t pay for CSRF vulnerability.

OK, there must have a CSRF vulnerability on this website. Let’s hack it!
I register a account test233 first. Then user this account to log in this website.
When I check the view-source  of the homepage I find a link:
On this page there is nothing to defend the CSRF attack, so we can change anyone’s password as we can.
I also find another very important link:
Sorry, you can’t view this post.
This post’s privacy is set to “Only me”</p>

This remind us to update the password of the user 7atata.

And then we get to that page, we find the flag is over there



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